Title I
Title I Frequently Asked Questions
What is Title I?
Title I refers to federal funding that our school receives under the Elementary and Secondary School Act (ESEA) formerly known as No Child Left Behind.
Why is Bartlett Elementary a Title I School?
A school’s Title I eligibility is solely determined by the percentage of students in the school who qualify for free or reduced lunch. When 40% or more of a school’s student population qualify for free or reduced lunch, the school is eligible to receive Title I funding.
How can the school spend Title I money?
First, this money can only be spent with input from all stakeholders! Parent, teacher and community input is extremely important when planning our budget. Title I money may be spent in five categories:
1.Supplemental Educational Materials
2.Technology Equipment
3.Additional Staff
4.Parental Involvement and Training
5.Professional Development for Teachers
How were Title I funds used during previous school years?
-TCAP Coach, Intervention teachers, Title I Facilitator
-Maintaining Technology (Apple TV's, laptop computers, printers, etc)
-To purchase nonfiction texts to support the Tennessee State Standards, including Scholastic News for every student
-To purchase TCAP/TNReady prep workbooks and materials
-To purchase TCAP/TNReady prep workbooks and materials
-Parent training sessions, Coffee with the Counselors, and more
-Guest speakers to provide additional training to the faculty
How can parents get involved?
1.Read our School newsletter for important dates.
2.Volunteer through our PTA to help with events throughout the year.
3.“Like” the Bartlett Elementary PTA on Facebook to get updates from them.
4.Complete Parent Surveys when they are sent home/online.
If you have any questions or comments concerning our Title I program, please contact our
You may also call 901-373-2610 (258).