Allison Swanger » Art Rules & Procedures

Art Rules & Procedures

In order to maintain a fun, safe, and creative learning environment, students are expected to adhere to the rules and procedures listed below:

Mrs. Swanger’s Art Class Rules & Procedures

1. Come in quietly and find your assigned seat.

2. Never leave your seat without permission

3. Raise your hand before speaking- Never blurt out. 

4. The Platinum Rule: Treat others how they want to be treated. 

5. Follow instructions the 1st time they are given. 

6. Use are supplies in a safe and responsible manner. 

7. Do not touch art supplies during instruction. 

8. Always leave your area better than you found it. 


Conduct Grade for the Quarter

E- No lowered conduct grades

E- Warning= 1 lowered conduct

G- 2 Lowered Conducts

S- 3 Lowered Conducts

N- 4 Lowered Conducts

U- 5+ Lowered Conducts

Depending on the severity of the infraction, a student's conduct will only be reduced by the # of times the student's conduct was lowered throughout the quarter. If a student earns an "N" or a "U" in conduct for their art grade for the day, I will send a note home communicating what happened. Please sign the note and send it back with your child so that I will know that you had the opportunity to discuss the situation with them.