Jenny Underwood » Entering Second Grade

Entering Second Grade

Here is a list of basic academic skills that students should bring into second grade:
-Listen to longer sets of directions
-Read directions off the board/screen (although some children may still have difficulty with this)
-Copy words, sentences, and math problems from the board/screen onto lined paper neatly and legibly.
-Sit in a chair for a longer period of time
-Distinguish left from right
-Read aloud first-grade books with accuracy and understanding
-Basic Phonics/decoding skills, such as: long & short vowels, consonant sounds, letter sounds, cvc, cv-e, etc.
-Write a complete sentence, starting with a capital letter and ending with a period, question mark, or exclamation point.

-Manuscript Handwriting: form all letters correctly

-Tell time to the hour and half-hour using analog and digital clocks
-Recognize coins and the value of each
-Quickly answer addition problems with sums up to 20
-Quickly answer subtraction problems with numbers 0 to 20
-Complete two-digit addition and subtraction problems without regrouping
Life Skills:
-Write his/her full name
-Recite his/her full address and parents' cell phone number
-Tie his/her shoes
-Work independently at his/her desk